The Last Man (2018)

2.3 of 5 from 48 ratings
1h 44min
Not released
Rent The Last Man (aka The Last Man: On the Face of the Earth) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
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In this chilling dystopian thriller, Hayden Christensen (Star Wars series) plays Kurt, a vet suffering from PTSD who comes home to an unholy, unruly land. The world is bad, no question - but local street prophet Noe (Harvey Keitel) says it'll get even worse when a catastrophic storm strikes. As Kurt heeds Noe's advice and readies for the apocalypse, he meets sultry Jessica (Liz Solari), who also begins to believe. Even as the planet falls apart, Kurt finds his life finally coming together.
, , , , , , , , , Justin Clouden, Federico Arzeno, Mariano Miquelarena, Bradley Krupsaw, Gabriel Smith Lenton, Garret McQuaid, Marcos Woinski, Carolina Hsu, Alex Acosta, , James Peter Wright
Rodrigo H. Vila
Rodrigo H. Vila, Gustavo Lencina
The Last Man: On the Face of the Earth
Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Thrillers
Release Date:
Not released
Run Time:
104 minutes

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