The Last Weekend is a compelling psychological thriller that delivers a chilling and suspense filled punch. Set over a long weekend in East Anglia, this is a chilling story of a rivalrous friendship - as told with deceptive casualness by narrator, Ian. It opens with a surprise phone call from an old university friend, inviting Ian and his wife, Em, for a few days by the sea. Their hosts, Ollie and Daisy, are a golden couple, and the scene is set for sunlit relaxation. Dangerous tensions quickly emerge however, from within the stifling atmosphere of a remote cottage in the hottest days of summer. Ominous revelations from Ian's past slowly intrude, and his rivalry with Ollie intensifies as they resurrect a long established and highly competitive triathlon. Each day becomes a series of challenges for higher and higher stakes, setting in motion actions that have irreversible consequences...
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