A young paramedic discovers he has telepathic powers...Toby (Craig Olejnik) helps a woman with amnesia regain her memory, which includes some unsavory corporate behaviours, but his actions draw the attention and suspicions of Sgt. Michelle McCluskey (Lauren Lee Smith) at the IIB...When an imprisoned criminal mastermind holds the key to the whereabouts of a kidnapped judge, Sgt. Michelle McCluskey brings in Toby to read him, with unexpected results...When Toby and Oz (Ennis Esmer) are dispatched to a call in the financial district, they're taken hostage by a couple posing as security guards who are carrying out a victim suffering from a gunshot wound...Toby connects with a gifted young woman whose mental powers appear to rival or even surpass his own, and may be connected to a series of suspicious suicides linked to an old biker gang...
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