The comical seafaring adventures of a young, enthusiastic boy, his pirate captain mentor, and the talking whale that raised him from birth...Flapjack and K'nuckles are held hostage by a mechanical genie...Bubbie tells Flapjack it's time for him to lead Captain K'nuckles and he gets leadership lessons from a seal keeper; Flapjack winds up in the bad part of town...When Flapjack discovers some fresh fruit and Captain K'Nuckles eats it, the two head to an island to get some more but a mysterious plant man keeps getting in the way...Flapjack celebrates Low Tide Day and awaits his gifts from Poseidon, while K'nuckles tries to find a place to hide from the mermen for being a naughty person...Flapjack becomes upset when an embarrassing picture of him appears in the paper...Flapjack tries to clear K'nuckles' name when he is accused of stealing candy. Flapjack and K'nuckles consume too much of a new drink at the Candy Barrel, and it turns them into fish...
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