Warm, humane film with excellent performances and direction.
The story is well balanced between the demands of the present and the lingering effects of the past. It's a gentle examination of life and death and whole damn package, but told through the lives of likeable, engaging characters.
This film exemplifies why so much of French cinema appeals to me. The story is told through believable performances which portray slices of the characters' lives, revealing their strengths and weaknesses.
A bittersweet story of a Midwife ( Catherine Frot) who leads an exemplary life, well respected by her work colleagues and loved by the Mothers to whom she gives 100% of her skill and dedication.Her life has been one of putting others always first,at some detriment to her well being and happiness.Her late father's mistress ( Catherine Deneuve) enters her life, 30 years after walking out with no contact since.A terrible tragedy happened soon after.These 2 characters are polar opposites.One, conscientious to the point of self denial and repression.The other, a free spirit who has careered through life making bad decisions but cheerful and optimistic, living for the day.The film is about these 2 characters becoming reconciled to what happened and both examining their lives to the benefit of both.It's a very uplifting film and extremely funny in parts.Catherine Deneuve and Catherine Frot are at the top of their game.It's a sheer delight to watch them.