Take a chance on this
- The Mist review by CP Customer
Blink and you missed the theatrical release of this film. Despite positive reviews it didn't even make my local multiplex, which is a shame given the poor horrors we constantly see.
Darabont turned down offers of an increased budget to change the ending but thankfully stuck with his vision, in what is another superb King adaptation. Strong performances from all concerned and many themes covered. Yes, there is blood and something in the mist (CGI not as bad as expected), but like Carpenter's The Fog it is never overplayed.
In many ways this is a disaster movie and asks the question what would you do? Well?
6 out of 11 members found this review helpful.
Don't go out there
- The Mist review by CP Customer
A typical stephen king story. Strange creatures who attack from the mist and even starnger trapped citizens who dare to go out there.
Very entertaining and one where you could go and make a coffee and not miss anything.
2 out of 4 members found this review helpful.
Very nearly 5 star
- The Mist review by CP Customer
This was a terrifying film with a standout performance from Marcia Gay Harden as Satan.( figuratively) by a director who seems to specialise in adaptations from Stephen King. Indeed his adaptation of "Shawshank Redemption" is currently No. 1 on the best films of all time liston the Internet Movie Database. Myself I rate his "Green Mile" even higher. Originally I was disappointed by the ending but after a bit of contemplation it makes total sense. My only major concern was what I perceived as a serious continuity error regarding bullet numbers- if explained I missed it.
The good news is that unlike "Shawshank" this one made money. So who decided to limit it's UK release when grot like "Hostel" & "Drag me to Hell" get full releases?
2 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Great Modern Creature Feature Film
- The Mist review by GI
The Mist is a horror movie based on a familiar narrative and a homage to the giant monster movies of the 50s such as Them (1954) and The Thing From Another World (1951), indeed director Frank Darabont wanted the film released in black & white to further make that connection but was vetoed by the studio. However his B/W version is available on the BluRay and I highly recommend it over the colour version. Based on a short novel by Stephen King this is a tense, exciting and quite scary monster story where after a severe electric storm a strange mist descends upon a small lakeside town on the east coast USA. David (Thomas Jane) with his young son goes to the local supermarket where along with a host of locals they find themselves trapped when strange and highly dangerous creatures begin appearing in the mist. Like many great films of people being trapped together the central theme is how fear and desperation cause changes in personality and rational people become homicidal. In this film this is represented by Mrs Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden) who becomes a religious fanatic and starts to demand human sacrifice, a demand very much supported by others. There's a great originality to this film, the creatures are very terrifying and unusual. The characters are all brilliantly portrayed and include Toby Jones as a surprising hero. The ending is very shocking so be prepared but I urge you to seek this great film out because it's very, very good.
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A surprise in the mist.
- The Mist review by CP Customer
I have always been a fan of Stephen King books, but have, on the whole been quite disappointed by the film adaptions, with the exeption of 'The Shining' and 'Carrie'. So I was pleasantly surprised by 'The Mist'. The CGI is very good producing some terrifying moments of blood and gore. The acting is good and unsterotypically melodramatic for a Stephen King film and the ending has a twist that will leave you thinking for at least a few hours after. I would definitely recommend you watch this film if you like adventure, sci fi and interesting twists.
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Can't see the mistery?
- The Mist review by CP Customer
No this is about as 'tense and terrifying' as the co-op supermarket it is enacted in. We ended up fast forwarding through trying to find the scary bits but were found wanting. Silly ending too.
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One of the best Stephen King horror adaptations.
- The Mist review by CP Customer
For me the Frank Darabont directed 'The Shawshank Redemption' and 'The Green Mile' are easily the two best non-horror Stephen King adaptations made, that aside I was a bit skeptical when Darabont announced he was adapting 'The Mist' for the big screen. I needn't of worried, this is easily one of the best King horror adaptations, and very clever in how the characters trapped within the supermarket have to battle with the horror lurking outside as well as the claustrophobic horror which unfolds inside as the various townspeople divide and attempt to take control of the group, and the twist in the tale at the end of the film was fantastic.
0 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
- The Mist review by CP Customer
Classic Stephen King with a twist. Both myself and the wife enjoyed it and though dated it still out shines some of the stuff released in more recent years of the same genre. Worth at least one go.
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In the mist are creatures. Err, that's it - but enjoyable.
- The Mist review by RP
Perhaps I've watched a few too many poor sci-fi 'creature' films recently, but I have to say that I quite enjoyed this one. I came across it when looking for other films directed by Frank Darabont, who also directed 'The Shawshank Redemption' and 'The Green Mile' which I had recently seen.
The story goes like this: a mysterious mist descends on a small US town, trapping a group of shoppers in a supermarket. And in the mist are creatures... Err, that's about it – the story lies in the telling of what fear (and of course, a creature or two) does to those trapped in a claustrophobic environment. The lead character (played by Thomas Jane) is a little wooden, but this is more than made up for by the character of Mrs Carmody (played by Marcia Gay Harden), a religious fanatic who is quite disturbing. The ending, unlike most Hollywood films, is downbeat, effective, and moving.
If I have criticisms it is that the film is over long (2 hours) and that some of the creature effects are poor, but most are pretty reasonable.
If you like sci-fi thrillers, give this one a go. 3/5 stars - recommended.
0 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
- The Mist review by Frank Talker™
The characterization is weak and the acting generally mediocre, but the visual emptiness of the actual mist creates decent suspense from a seemingly irrational predator - created by a Frankenstein-like scientific meddling with the purported primal forces of nature.
The characters' reaction to their predators and, more importantly, to their own fears - dominated by Marcia Gay HARDEN as a Christian fundamentalist - serves as a rather crudely-dramatized but effective allegory for the so-called War on Terror as White people battle both the unknown and each other.
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