A young man learns that he is a Prince with an urgent quest to save his world by finding thirteen magical treasures of rule...A young teenager named Ren learns he is heir to the throne of Octopon when he rescues a old man from a storm, and the old man reveals he is his father, Primus, ruler of Octopon. When Ren is kidnapped by the cowardly monkey-bird Niddler and takes him to the evil pirate Bloth, captain of the most-feared pirate ship "Maelstrom". Ren becomes Bloth's enemy and he sets out to hire a crew, as Ren sets off on a quest to find "The Thirteen Treasures of Rule"...With both the compass and the first Treasure stolen, Ren and company pursue the thieves to the island of Pandawa, home of the monkey-birds, which is in the midst of an uprising, as Niddler's people seek to free themselves from the slavers...
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