Eléonore (Eleonore Hendricks) is a pickpocket, a con artist and a thief. She ll pilfer your purse, your car, a handful of grapes or a litter of kittens. She robs out of need, curiosity or maybe just for the hell of it. From the hipster bars of the Lower East Side to the cages of Central Park Zoo, Eléonore steals her way through life in New York City plus the occasional road trip to Boston with a freewheeling spontaneity that may lead her to most unexpected score of all. Eléonore Hendricks and director Joshua Safdie star in this breezily lo-fi look at slacker larceny co-written by Hendricks and Safdie and shot guerilla-style on the streets of NYC that rocked The Director's Fortnight at Cannes to become one of the most talked-about indie sensations of the year.
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