The satiric adventures of a working-class family in the misfit city of Springfield...A Hollywood studio makes a movie based on Comic Book Guy's comic book character "Everyman", and Homer is cast in the lead. However, Homer's weight fluctuations cause problems for the production...Lisa becomes livid with Miss Hoover, and in a series of homages to classic Hitchcock sets out for deadly revenge. Next, Krusty's latest fast-food sandwich transforms news anchor Kent Brockman into an enraged zombie and twenty-eight days later, cannibal zombies have overrun Springfield. In the final frightening fable, Homer accidentally falls through a trapdoor in Moe's tavern and impales himself on the pipes of Moe's microbrewery. Moe serves the barflies a glass of delicious beer flavored with Homer's blood and Homer, now half-man, half-brewing apparatus, returns for...Moe's gruff and abrasive personality makes him the perfect hyper-critical judge, and lands him a spot on American Idol. Meanwhile, Homer makes Marge uncomfortable when he starts spending more time at home with Moe's now closed...
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