Original and unforgettable
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
The Station Agent revolves around the character of Fin McBride, (Peter Dinklage), who as a dwarf, is constantly reminded in malicious ways of his short stature. Fin's world comes crashing around him when his only friend and employer suddenly dies. Although out of a job, his late friend leaves him a small disused rail road station in the sleepy town of Newfoundland New Jersey. Fin moves to the remote location to seek solitude, to mourn and to adapt to his new life. However, as Fin arrives he is constantly followed by the talkative and good willed Joe, the scatterbrained Olivia, and the young girl Cleo. In the company of these people Fin drops his emotional guard and opens up to the pleasure of living, but as Fin discovers, as well as enriching your life, friendships can complicate it too. The simple way the story flows is extremely clever, as it only tells the viewer what is needed to know, yet enhances each scene as it offers things to think about. Beautifully written, directed, and acted, The Station Agent is one of those rare films that is deserving of a perfect 10/10 score. If you enjoy gentle paced, low key, character based indie movies, then it doesn't get much better than this.
11 out of 13 members found this review helpful.
Don't miss it
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
Just one of those great little films where nothing much happens but you enjoy every minute because it's so well crafted
7 out of 7 members found this review helpful.
Quirky and heart warming
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
This is a film which grows on you. It's unhurried in pace, and the humour is subtler than most of us are used to in American cinema. But it's about real people, and we get to like them as we see more of them. Because we like them, we want a happy ending.
Definitely recommended.
6 out of 6 members found this review helpful.
Great quirky film
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
I have been reccommended this film by people whose taste I trust. And they were right- this is a lovely film- real insight, humour and characterisation. The pace is good and there are sublties which we don't expect from American films.
We loved it!
5 out of 6 members found this review helpful.
Still remember the feeling of this movie after a year
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
A film about a bunch of misfits that had no real reason to be in each others company, but still created something nice together... just like time with a lot of people around me, not perfect or ideal but better than the sadness of lack of contact with others.
It is a very funny and moving film. I absolutely love it.
5 out of 5 members found this review helpful.
Tracks and Trains
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
The Station Agent is a superb film. Suddenly trainspotting comes to have a unique life of its own with heartwarming characters. The film portrays the bygone great days of American railways by showing it to be a hobby alive and well amongst people. The dread of a remote existence by a loner, soon turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. A heartwarming film with characters weaving together their lives by pure coincidence. You will never love trains forever after this movie. Simply wonderful and beautiful photography and characters.
4 out of 5 members found this review helpful.
It ends too soon
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
I'm just getting into it. To me the story is only half-way. Then it stops. I know the writer/director planned it that way, but for most audience members, the charm so carefully won was much diminished by the sawn-off ending. The acting from the three principles is great. There are some off-beat funny moments. Usually rich, but in the end, just half a story.
4 out of 8 members found this review helpful.
Beautiful and gentle study of friendships in the making.
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
I rented this film after having seen The Visitor by the same director. I had no idea what it was about. I had no expectations and it has turned out to be the loveliest of surprises. It's a gentle and intimate study with three central characters, and a handful of others , and how their friendships grow. What makes this film so exceptional is the perfect pace of the story. We don't know much about the characters and we get to know each at the same rate at which they get to know each other, making the journey one that is shared rather than just watched. The choice of actors is flawless, and each plays their role to perfection.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Beautiful Film
- The Station Agent review by CK
Can only confirm Shatners Bassoon's review says it all However, that review gives the plot away. I am glad the story slowly revealed itself for us. That said it is such a wonderful film it is a pleasure to rewatch. Watched it three times in five nights and it was an excellent watch everytime. Even got out of control cars and train chases, Lol.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
really memorable . . .
- The Station Agent review by CP Customer
Beautifully acted, written and directed this story of small town USA is subtle, funny and warm hearted.
The casting is brave and very successful. It's the imperfections in people that make us like them and even love them. Brilliant.
3 out of 4 members found this review helpful.