Rent The Stones and Brian Jones (2023)
3.7 of 5 from 50 ratings
1h 44min
Yes, now in my 80s I remember only too well what it was all about. How the whole world was changing, well the West anyway. The east already had the drugs, cannabis etc., and we followed them.
It was a time of freedom, a time of difference, a time of beauty. I remember my parents decrying the noise, not music, noise, yet within a couple of years they were singing along quite happily to it. It really was freedom.
This film had so much memory for me that after I watched it, went on line, and purchased it from Amazon. There are very few documentaries that have done that to me but this one is so honest about the era. It's well worth a 92 minutes of any ones time..
Thank you CinemaParadiso.