The story of several young people from around the world who represent the next stage in human evolution, possessing special powers, including the ability to teleport and communicate with each other telepathically. Together they work to defeat the forces of evil...Stephen Jameson (Robbie Amell) questions his sanity when he starts hearing voices and waking up in unusual places...Russell (Aaron Yoo) revisits his past after some tragic news. Ultra agents and Stephen track down a pool hustler, who may be a Breakout...With the possible return of Roger (Jeffrey Pierce) on the horizon, everyone is concerned about the consequences if The Founder (Simon Merrells) were to find out. Now aware of the truth about the machine The Founder has been using him to train in, Stephen needs John (Luke Mitchell) and Cara's (Peyton List)'s help to destroy it. Meanwhile, Russell and other Tomorrow People have lost hope they will ever find The Refuge and choose to head out on their own...
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