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The Vise: Mark Saber: Vol.1 (1955)

4.0 of 5 from 45 ratings
12h 24min
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Edward J. and Harry Lee Danziger, producers extraordinaire - Native New Yorkers, they set up shop in Britain in 1952 and, for a decade, became arguably the world's most prolific independent supplier of television shows and 'B' movies, creating nearly 100 films and in excess of 300 TV episodes for the British and American market. Their longest-running creation was one-armed detective Mark Saber, who sleuthed his way through more than 150 episodes of murder, blackmail and conduct unbecoming! Though the first series of 'The Vise' successfully achieved an American network transmission, for the second run the Danzigers rebooted the format.
Gone was the narrator and rotating cast, to be replaced by the stand-up private investigator Mark Saber, memorably played by Donald Gray. With a rotating cast of assistants and inspectors, Saber foiled criminals over 65 episodes (with a little bit of help from writer Brian Clemens, amongst others) and this volume showcases thirty episodes from the second series of 'The Vise' (known as Mark Saber in the UK and to posterity as The Vise: Mark Saber) - unseen for over fifty years they have been newly transferred from original film elements especially for this release!
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Edward J. Danziger, Harry Lee Danziger
Frank Atkinson, Kate Barley, Robert Barr, Franklin Barton, Elizabeth Berridge, Brian Clemens, Mabel Constanduros, James Eastwood, Ken Field, Mark Grantham, Robert Hirst, Eldon Howard, Gib Howe, George Mikes, Stanley Miller, Reginald Moon, Rex Rienits, John Roeburt, George St. George, George Tabori
British TV, TV Classics, TV Crimes, TV Dramas, TV Mysteries, TV Thrillers
Release Date:
Not available for rental
Run Time:
744 minutes
Disc 1:
Disc 2:
Disc 3:
Disc 4:
Release Date:
Not available for rental
Run Time:
774 minutes
English Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
B & W
BLU-RAY Regions:
(0) All
Disc 1:
This disc includes the following episodes:
1. Man Hunt
2. Walk Softly for Murder
3. Collector's Item
4. Hear No Evil
5. Murder by Design
6. A Coffin for Johnny
7. Murder for Gain
8. There's Danger in Beauty
9. Death Needs No Cane
10. File it Under Murder
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following episodes:
11. If This Be Murder
12. Holiday for Heatherton
13. Receipt for Murder
14. A Dram of Death
15. Return to Danger
16. The Very Last Witness
17. A Hatful of Trouble
18. Corpse in the Cellar
19. The Corpse with a Sword
20. Root of Evil
Disc 3:
This disc includes the following episodes:
21. Man on a Cliff
22. Murder by Error
23. The Sound of Death
24. Diamond Jubilee
25. A Coin's Worth of Murder
26. The Hostage
27. Bullets for Saber
28. Hi - Jacked
29. Bishops Sometimes Bite
30. Short, Dark and Handsome

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