Live production of the play by William Shakespeare, directed by Erica Whyman. The cast includes Alice Blundell in the role of Dorcas, Alfred Clay as Archidamus and Colm Gormley as Antigonus...In the kingdom of Sicilia, King Leontes and Queen Hermione are expecting their second child. During a visit from their friend Polixenes, King of Bohemia, Hermione is accused of adultery with Polixenes. Refusing to believe Hermione's innocence, Leontes banishes the child which he believes is not his. In the future, Prince Florizel of Bohemia and a young shepherdess, Perdita, fall in love. King Polixenes disapproves of his son's unsuitable match, so they flee to Sicilia to protect their happiness. But as old friends and family reunite, the truth unravels, and one question remains. Can we mend the past? Set between the 1953 coronation of Elizabeth II and the 1969 moon landings, this production imagines a world where the ghosts of fascist Europe collide with horrors reminiscent of The Handmaid's Tale, before washing up on a joyful seashore.
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