A very intriguing period thriller set in the mid 19th century in a small village where an experienced nurse played by Florence Pugh is hired by the village elders to 'watch' a young nine year old girl who has allegedly not eaten for four months. Hoping to prove a miracle the religious men are unprepared for the practical and fact driven nurse who sees that a young girl is dying and they are allowing it. There's obviously a mystery element to this story that has a slow burning suspense and a music score that hints at a horror narrative. It's Pugh that holds the attention here, she is utterly note perfect and proves what a highly talented actor she is. If for no other reason see this film for her performance. The narrative does question the issue of extreme religious views and the director Sebastiàn Lelio offers a prologue and epilogue that, in my view, was unnecessary but seems to be grounding the story in the modern world as a comparison. This is gimmicky and I'm unconvinced by it but that aside this is a really interesting film that is worthy of awards. The support cast are superb including Kila Lord Cassidy as the young girl, Tom Burke, Toby Jones and Ciarán Hinds.