Japan's Mars exploration program has been plagued by a string of disasters. Vowing one final attempt, they launch another spaceship for the red planet, with a scheduled stop over at a moon base. The astronauts find themselves menaced by a strange UFO, and suffer damage from a meteor shower, which forces them to return to Earth - but not before taking a sample of strange spores which have attached themselves to the hull of their ship. Upon their return, the spores grow into Guilala, a fierce giant monster which feeds on energy, and threatens all of Japan. The race is on to discover Guilala's weakness before it is too late. 'The X from Outer Space' features one of the most comical of Japanese monsters, accompanied by a jazzy 60's style musical score. Only in a movie like this will you see astronauts enjoying cocktails and dancing on the moon, and going out on the town on the evening of their return to earth.
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