Rent Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)

3.4 of 5 from 372 ratings
1h 44min
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Dr. Alithea Binnie (Tilda Swinton) is an academic - content with life and a creature of reason. While in Istanbul attending a conference, she happens to encounter a Djinn (Idris Elba) who offers her three wishes in exchange for his freedom. This presents two problems. First, she doubts that he is real and second, because she is a scholar of story and mythology, she knows all the cautionary tales of wishes gone wrong. The Djinn pleads his case by telling her fantastical stories of his past. Eventually she is beguiled and makes a wish that surprises them both.
, , Erdil Yasaroglu, , Sabrina Dhowre Elba, , Aamito Lagum, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
George Miller, Doug Mitchell
George Miller, Augusta Gore, A.S. Byatt
Entertainment In Video
Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Getting to Know..., Getting to Know: Tilda Swinton
Release Date:
Run Time:
104 minutes
English Dolby Digital 5.1
English Hard of Hearing
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 2.39:1
  • Trailer
Release Date:
Run Time:
108 minutes
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
English Hard of Hearing
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 2.39:1
BLU-RAY Regions:
  • Trailer

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Reviews (4) of Three Thousand Years of Longing

Beautiful and empty - Three Thousand Years of Longing review by PD

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Lots to like here, particurlarly visually. Tilda Swinton is predictably compelling as 'narratologist' Alithea - her travelling the world giving lectures on the nature and uses of story throughout history and speaking of science’s 'replacement' of myth as humanity’s way of codifying knowledge is a good set up, and her performance just about convinces us through the roller-coaster ride that the film takes us over a fairly gruelling (I'm afraid) two hours or so.

It looks great and has great ambitions but sadly the script is not up to it, and borders on the trite at times; whilst there are some good moments when Swinton and her companion genie/gjinn (a distinctly subdued and at times really annoying Idris Elba) debate such ideas as free will vs. fate, being content with your lot vs. dreaming of something more, attempts at grace and profundity sadly usually fall flat (there's zero chemistry between the two, which I get is probably deliberate, but it grates all the same). Elba's stories, which take up a good deal of the film, involve a murderous prince, an intellectual woman vastly ahead of her time, and a scheming concubine, are engaging enough, but they merely lead us to an underdeveloped third act, into which director George Miller's attempts to bring contemporary politics are distinctly underwhelming, thus rather ruining what went before. There's lots of big-hearted intentions, but as often happens in films that attempts grand statements about love, this one ultimately can’t serve up a message as transporting (or coherent) as the design that houses it. Taken as a whole, I found it beautiful, and empty.

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Visually Extravagant But Narratively Lacklustre - Three Thousand Years of Longing review by Dr Waerdnotte

Spoiler Alert

From the beginning the look of the movie is beautifully rendered. Swinton's character is engaging and the movie draws you in... and then the djinn appears, and the story becomes a three thousand year tale of sorrow, as the djinn recounts why he has appeared to Alithea. And the story goes on and on. However good it looks you can't help but feel that the narrative needs to move on. As the two characters indulge in some deep and meaningful discourse between the djinn's story the movie has a feeling of a theatre play, and then its back to the fantastic visuals, you just wish for the movie to move on and give us a bit more of Alithea's back story.

I love Swinton's acting and she is very adaptable, but her northern accent becomes increasingly out of place and Elba's attempt at a kind of middle eastern accent punctuated with bits of east London became troublesome as the story and his narrative dragged on. The third part bought the characters back to London (Primrose Hill by the looks of it) and the consummation of their love for each other, but their love was not to be...or was it? The predictability of the happy ending neatly tied up the story but left me underwhelmed.

A grown up fairly tale that totally pulls its punches. Great to look at...but, for me, an unfulfilling experience

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Disappointing - Three Thousand Years of Longing review by CSF

Spoiler Alert

From the trailers and the Cannes Festival, I expected a lot. The first half was great then it become liquified and very boring.

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Critic review

Three Thousand Years of Longing review by Mark McPherson - Cinema Paradiso

Few fantasy films feel as though they’re truly meant for adults as Three Thousand Years of Longing. Fantasy always tends to be pitched to a younger crowd, given the wild imagination and inspiration for the future. Adults tend to lose some of that wonderment with age. But do they? George Miller’s film aims to find some of that fantasy with older age, where magic and sex mingle in poignant ways.

Tilda Swinton plays Alithea Binnie, an accomplished woman who specializes in the literature of the past and how it can shape our future. While traveling for a conference where she tries to relate myths to modern-day superhero media, she finds a pretty-looking artifact. While in her hotel room, she tries to scrub off the grime and unearths the towering presence of the lamp’s Djinn (Idris Elba). Having been locked away for several decades, the Djinn is intrigued by the modern world but adjusts rather well; despite his massive size, he’ll need to shift upon his entrance.

Djinn fills in Binnie on his nature of wishes, something she’s keenly aware of. However, Binnie is also smart enough to realize that no story about wishes is as simple as dreams coming true. Something dark might lurk under the surface. Untrustworthy of this magical being, she convinces the Djinn to spill his guts on his many histories with wishes and how they might’ve been misconstrued. Ultimately, Djinn wants to find love but is denied to him at every turn by competing forces, greedy souls, or bad luck. A lifetime of heartaches makes this seemingly immortal being forlorn to find the good in inhumanity, tempting Binnie to see if she can find it.

Most of the film presents a freewheeling anthology of Djinn many loves across time. This leads to such fantastical sequences as dazzling a princess in her kingdom and endowing a locked-away woman with brilliant insight. You start to feel for this guy who just can’t catch a break, enduring loneliness for years and sadness with each woman lost. He’s more than willing to wait for the right woman but hasn’t found it yet. More importantly, there’s a fear that a relationship won’t last if he stays the same age while the women grow older. Perhaps Binnie will be the one to break the curse.

Despite how much time Elba spends as the storyteller of his lost loves, the chemistry between Elba and Swinton is remarkable. Here are two intelligent and emotionally vulnerable adults who speak with a surprising amount of honesty and longing. You can tell they’re destined to be with each other but require a great deal of trust and a helping of faith to take their relationship to the next level. And, if you’re curious, there is an erotic moment between the two with Elba’s character much more giant than Swinton. The film is worth watching, if nothing else, for Miller’s daringness to have a brief but unforgettable genie sex scene.

Miller’s direction of this fantasy romance is brilliant for how much faith it has in staging its simple story with an epic nature. A lesser film might’ve lingered too long on a war sequence or spent too much time delighting in the magical special effects or making a meal out of the fish-out-of-water Djinn. Thankfully, the film never brings itself down to that safe level that so many special effects-heavy films retreat towards. There’s a stellar script at play with two romantic leads placed in an unorthodox but refreshing fantasy tale.

Three Thousand Years of Longing will not be everybody’s cup of tea. It meanders a bit in its anthology of Djinn romances, and the ending is ambiguous for those hoping for a straightforward romance. But for those willing to take a chance on a romance that dabbles in the existential while caking on some alluring fantasy elements, this is an incredibly unique film that manages to be more than just a film where Swinton and Elba get busy with magical enhancements.

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