Follows the world of an elite ballet academy, and charts the rise and fall of young adults who live far from their homes, each standing on the verge of greatness or ruin...Ballerina Neveah (Kylie Jefferson) arrives at Chicago's famed Archer School to find cruel new rivals - and the disturbing truth behind her surprise acceptance...Neveah's mom resurfaces, along with bad memories. The dancers play detective and pinpoint a suspect in Cassie's (Anna Maiche)'s fall. Bette (Casimere Jollette) flips the script on Ramon (Bayardo De Murguia)...A music video audition promises a big break for a lucky few. Shane (Brennan Clost) and Bette flirt with new love interests, but June (Daniela Norman) has a traumatic encounter...Everything reaches a turning point on the last night of "Ripper", as the dancers pull off a jaw-dropping finale and shocking secrets are revealed...
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