This dramatised account of the way the Bronte sisters got into print whilst battling the circumstances of their lives is quite involving, helped by good performances, esepcially Chloe Pirrie as Emily Bronte and Jonathan Pryce as Rev Bronte. The tiresome alcoholic brother Bramwell, who was the biggest problem of all, is dealt with sympathetically. The habitat in which they lived is superbly realised. The difficulties women had getting published under their own names by the 1840s is perhaps a little overdone, mixed up with the 'unknown author' problem anyone can suffer from. But all in all, two hours of good drama. The very tragic aftermath is passed over rapidly.
I enjoyed this gritty drama difficult to miss the message of the sad consequences of prejudiced thinking. One wonders how much talent was wasted without the opportunity of seeing the light of day. How glad we should be that at least not all got swallowed down but such short sighted society