Picks up 25 years after the inhabitants of a quaint northwestern town are stunned when their homecoming queen is murdered...A man observes a mysterious glass box, South Dakota police discover a hideous crime and Hawk (Michael Horse) receives a cryptic message about Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan)...Gordon Cole (David Lynch) instructs Albert (Miguel Ferrer) to meet with an old contact. Hawk makes a discovery involving 'the missing piece' that will help him find Cooper. Janey-E (Naomi Watts) fixes Dougie's gambling debt, while Cooper is still struggling to put what he knows about his past and the Black Lodge into words. Tragedy strikes after a drug deal takes place...The Mitchum brothers find out more about Dougie Jones. In Twin Peaks, Richard Horne's committing horrible acts, and Hawk gets more clues from the Log Lady...Cooper and Diane (Laura Dern) drive 430 miles. Cooper attempts to help a troubled woman he believes to be Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee)...
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