An unassuming American family is drawn into the workings of a turbulent Middle Eastern nation...Barry steps in as president and starts preparations for democratic elections; Daliyah assumes a more significant role in leading the nation; army leaders want revenge; an American general arrives in Abuddin...As President, Barry making the decision not to run in whenever the first free elections has profound effects. Barry is unaware that there are certain factions that see him solely as another Al-Fayeed whose words are hollow, and that real change in Abuddin can only be accomplished through revolution in deposing any Al-Fayeed. Barry welcomes Molly's offer to spread the word of the free elections as First Lady by making public appearances, the first scheduled for Ma'an with Rami leading the security detail. Emma also wants to get involved to be more immersed in the...Molly returns to Abuddin with a hardened resolve to pursue her daughter's killer. Mahdiya is entrusted with a critical job. Leila and Cogswell relish in a brief escape from the world - only to find that escape is impossible. Barry is thrown by Molly's cold determination and haunted by images of the daughter he failed...Barry does whatever he can to make sure Daliyah doesn't kill herself. A rally for Leila at the University is interrupted by Maloof's forces. The Army prepares for war against the Caliphate...
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