Two highly acclaimed masterwork of Japanese cinema...
Ugetsu Monogatari (1953) In 16th century Japan, amidst the pandemonium of civil war, potter Genjuro (Mori Masayuki) and samurai-aspirant Tobei (Ozawa Sakae) set out with their wives in search of wealth and military glory, respectively. Two parallel tales ensue when the men are lured from their wives: Genjuro by the ghostly charm of Lady Wakasa (Kyo Machiko); Tobei by the dream of military glory.
Oyu-Sama (1951) Shinnosuke (Yûji Hori) is introduced to Shizu (Nobuko Otowa) as a prospective marriage partner, but he falls in love with her widowed sister Oyu (Kinuyo Tanaka). Convention forbids Oyu to marry because she has to raise her son as the head of her husband's family. Oyu convinces Shinnosuke and Shizu to marry so that she can remain close to Shinnosuke.
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