Written, produced and directed by Richard John Taylor, ‘Vengeance’ is the story of Eric Williams who returns to his home town after spending 27 years abroad, after his estranged daughter has been involved in a brutal attack.
Featuring two of the naughtiest boys on television, Billy Murray and the late Leslie Grantham, this production gets so much right, yet doesn’t quite achieve greatness. A lot of the acting leaves something to be desired, and the thugs on display are distinctly unthreatening. Yet, the cinematography is terrific, taking in sweeping panoramas of a respectable city gone to ruin; the storyline contains some good twists, although some key moments happen too abruptly – including, sadly, the finale.
For its flaws, I really enjoyed this. There’s always something magnificent about watching Murray and Grantham growling at each other in ill-gained upper-class apartments.
Released two years after Grantham's death, this was previously known as 'Acceptance' and originally made in 2012. My score is 7 out of 10.