Violent Cop revolves around the character of Azuma, a police detective who runs out of patience and resorts to violence and unethical methods to get results. Under pressure from an increasingly heavy workload, Azuma is put under further stress when assigned an inexperienced new partner. Finally reaching breaking point when a fellow cop is killed and drug dealers take his sister hostage, he then decides to take matters into his own hands and dish out his own form of justice. Although 'Violent Cop' isn't considered by many as a true Kitano film, as in he didn't write it and only took over as director when original director Kinji Fukasaku pulled out of the film at the last minute, it is still a truly enjoyable film that takes a bleak and gritty look at a man on the edge, and while it lacks the wit and beauty of Kitano's later films, it easily ranks among the best within modern Japanese cinema.