I think there is a point at which celebrity aura becomes so intense that nobody dares to tell you you are shit. Hoffman does his clichéd camp character which is now his default, de Niro is only slightly less camp. The story is focussed on an American election story clearly referencing Monica Lewinsky which is supposed to be funny but it didn't get to me. The rest dares to suggest that spin doctors are willing to lie. Well as Tony Blair made 3 terms of office with Alastair Campbell as his chief liar, it is not funny any more, just depressing. Borgen does spin doctors much, much, much, better.
How come so many presidents have so much trouble getting elected in the good ole US of A, and why are there so many problematic shenanigans going on? This film attempts to show us, with two of Hollywood's most famous actors trying to get the incumbent leader back in the big seat, although he's been in trouble with a teenage girl. Ring any sort of bells? Anyway Dustin and Robert try to do the dirty work to get the naughty man back in power. This politics seem to be a dirty business eh?
Wag the Dog was written & produced in 1996/97 and released about a month before news broke in early 1998 of the Clinton-Lewinsky affair, and so it is not, as many have assumed, based on that scandal - but it prefigures it beautifully.
Dustin Hoffman plays what, according to Hollywood insiders, is a pitch-perfect rendition of Godfather producer Robert Evans, de Niro veers away from his usual roles to tap into a cynical vein of humour; the two principals are ably supported by a diverse bunch from Willie Nelson to Woody Harrelson.
If politics is your thing this'll be a knowing chuckle-fest.