A contemporary drama series set in a challenging comprehensive school...The school is still mourning the death of Tom, especially Kasey, who builds her own shrine to him but is encouraged to move on with the promise of boxing lessons by Nikki. Malodorous twins Lenny and Lisa Brown are enrolled at the school by their elder brother Larry, their guardian while their mother is in psychiatric care. Audrey is shocked at the deterioration in their appearance since she knew them at a previous school and, against Christine's wishes, visits their house, where she finds Larry is selling drugs. She rings the police and he is arrested, the twins...As the term draws to a close Christine is summoned to the board of education and faces a possible ban from teaching altogether. Back at the school Simon is having terrible problems as acting head. Upstaged by Kasey again Gabriella has caused her to have an accident which jeopardises her boxing future and when Mrs Wark comes to Waterloo Road Carol fights with her whilst Gabriella contrives to make it seem that Nikki assaulted her. However Christine takes charge of the situation, getting Gabriella to admit that her actions were to get her parents to notice and love her...
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