A powerful and heartfelt family drama that is marked by superb performances all round. Set in Miami it follows an African/American family focusing on the two siblings Tyler (Kelvin Harrison Jr) and Emily (Taylor Russell). The narrative settles quickly into following the self congratulatory life of Tyler, a successful school athlete who trains hard pushed by his dominant yet well intentioned father (Sterling K. Brown). Tyler has a girlfriend with whom he is infatuated. But behind the veneer of happiness and success Tyler has demons including an untreated shoulder injury for which he steals his father's medication for pain relief and when his relationship with his girlfriend sours his life begins to spiral out of control. Just when you think the film has reached a conclusion it shifts focus to Emily, who has been sidelined in her father's affections, recognised only by her caring stepmother (Renée Elise Goldsberry). Emily has to cope with the fallout from her brother's actions. There's some big emotions at play here and you are forever expecting more disaster and crisis so the film constantly keeps you hooked. The ripples of actions and decisions and their affect on the family are the core of the story here intermixed with the 'waves' of emotions triggered by events. It's a really quite wonderful film and definitely one to see.