Billy Crystal is wonderful. His character is ruthlessly cold and calculating but he does it with such a dry wit that it is endearing and funny. Meg Ryan does the famous fake orgasm in cafe scene with more guts than many would manage. This is a must see classic. Having said that it is a bit dated in the filming and direction and the acting is sometimes a bit theatrical. It is a good laugh and I'm glad I saw it.
This is still one of the loveliest and funniest of romcoms and its clever avoidance of cliché makes it still a refreshing film to sit and watch even after you've seen it so many times. The beautiful autumnal scenes and views of New York are neatly balanced to be interpreted as romantic or symbolic of loneliness picking up on the emotions of the two central characters played by Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. Being single and thirty-something is viewed here as being trapped in a wilderness where only true love can reveal the way out and the journey of the two and indeed to a lesser extent their two friends (Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher) shows the difficulty in recognising where your true happiness lies. Harry (Crystal) and Sally (Ryan) meet as two young people just leaving University when they share a ride to New York together. On the journey they disagree and annoy each other mainly over Harry's assertion that men and women can never be friends because sex always gets in the way. Years later they meet again and having both recently ended a relationship they become friends but resist the obvious love that each of them has for the other until one day.....! With a great script and of course a very famous and still uproariously funny scene in a restaurant this is a film that is heart warming, hilarious, and one to watch on a cold evening snuggled in front of the fire and if you've never seen it?...well you need to asap.
It's a rom-com starring Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal. It's popular, it's supposed to be amusing - but I didn't like it. On the other hand, my wife thought it really good, so who am I to judge?
The film has one supposedly memorable scene + famous one liner (to be fair, it did make me smile) but apart from that I found it old fashioned (it's some 25 years old), too American - and I have to say it, boring.
So despite SWMBO enjoying it, I'm going to rate it 2/5 stars. It's an overrated film.