At Alfea College, fairy warriors from all over the universe study and train to improve their magic powers. Bloom, a girl from Earth, joins them after discovering her own special abilities...In the kingdom of Andros, Aisha's Uncle Neptune plans to make his son Nereus Crown Prince. The ceremony is disrupted when Nereus' twin Tritannus attacks, and is sent to the prison of Andros where he meets the Trix...The Trix and Tritannus torture Daphne to find out how to get Sirenix, then crash the Redfountain Windrider competition. Meanwhile the Winx go to Lynphea to find the Flower of Depths and a clue to the Gem of Courage's location...Tritannus has his cousin, Aisha, in his clutches. She is a critical part of his plan for dimension domination. Could evil possibly prevail?...
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