This sequel begins events a few months after those of the first film and moves Hugh Jackman's Wolverine to centre stage. This is a worthy second film mainly because, like the first one, it has a well written story, is adult themed (this one being a little more violent) and uses great effects to enhance the narrative. The opening action where a mutant named Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming) infiltrates the White House and attacks the President leads to the main story around Wolverine's past. The President calls in anti-mutant soldier Stryker (Brian Cox), who is given carte blanche to wage a war on mutants. Stryker has an agenda of his own and uses Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier in a devilish plot to murder every mutant person. All the characters from the earlier film return including Ian McKellen, he has less to do in this one but does have some very good scenes. After this the series began to lose its way somewhat and in my opinion none of the later films, including the prequels, have lived up to these first two (the only exception being 2017s Logan). But as sequels go this is an entertaining Marvel Universe film and if you enjoyed the first one this is worth your time.