From the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy to the upheaval caused by drought in the Middle East, this groundbreaking documentary event series provides first-hand reports on those affected by, and seeking solutions to, climate change...Harrison Ford investigates the effects of Indonesia's palm oil industry. Don Cheadle visits a Texan town that has been economically devastated by drought. Pulitzer Prize-winner Thomas Friedman examines the role of climate change in Syria's volatile state...Harrison Ford continues his investigation into the global effects of the palm oil industry and further explores the corruption that has ravaged the Indonesian landscape resulting in the country being one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases through deforestation. Meanwhile, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger joins an elite team of wild-land firefighters-known as the "Hot Shots"-as they battle a new breed of forest fires, one made more deadly by climate change. He also discovers another killer wiping out trees at an even faster rate than...Michael C. Hall concludes his journey to Bangladesh where rising seas are expected to submerge 17% of the nation. After traveling to Christmas Island in episode three, M. Sanjayan returns to further address and question some of the top climate scientists in their fields as they collect key data unlocking the past and future of our planet's changing climate. His destination: Tupungatito, the northernmost historically active stratovolcano in the southern Andes.
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