The story begins as we meet a flustered paramedic Steve (Barry Thomas), level-headed Jay (Kris Tearse) and Sarah (Ruth King), who opens the film as the distraught daughter of a man clearly infected by zombie-type virus.
This is very low-budget, but Director Rhys Davies ensures it tells a story well within its means – although sometimes the blood-streaked heroes are difficult to differentiate from the equally blood-streaked walking dead. The setting is suitably drab and claustrophobic, and this doesn’t open into anything wider until the very end, when we are introduced to the extent of the infection.
There are enough twists in the storyline to keeps things moving. In true ‘Night of the Living Dead’ fashion, even those who do everything right to escape their situations fail to succeed. There are some convincingly gruesome effects.
I really enjoyed this. The main thrust of the project seems to be that there is no hope, no hope at all. Although some scenes are interspersed with the end credits offer a crumb of positivity. But don’t get too optimistic.