Inexorable Videos Micro Review: 1917
- 1917 review by EP
Deakins and Mendes combine talents to create what is undeniably one of the most technically impressive films of recent years. However, sometimes it feels like the story is complementing the camera work, and not the other way around.
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My choice of best oscar film
- 1917 review by TH
What a great film. The years best in my view. While Parasite was good as well this deserved the award in my opinion.
Big fan of Sam Mendes as a director and this had everything from emotion, action and was gripping throughout.
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- 1917 review by IG
We found this rather lacking in emotion, bland, sanitised and overall very dull. Suggest you watch Gallipoli or Hacksaw Ridge for a gripping war film, this one isn't.
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Excellent piece of cinema, historically implausible, however
- 1917 review by Philip in Paradiso
This is an excellent film, and quite a unique one in terms of its pace, its suspense, and the quality of the acting and storyline. As a film, it is faultless and I strongly recommend it.
As a historical drama, however, it is implausible in more ways than one. The inaccuracies are listed in the relevant section of the Wikipedia article on the film: the high command would not have cared two hoots whether 1,600 men were going to get killed or not (given the scale of the slaughter in WWI: a drop -- of blood -- in the bucket); the front was static and the troops were cooped up in trenches, whereas the movie shows 2 soldiers on the move at all times, showing initiative and coping all by themselves -- so, the entire film is built upon a false premise that is a-historical. The officers, except one, are surprisingly humane and approachable -- a good few of them at any rate. I think this is also pure fiction.
There are also details that are absurd. E.g.: an Indian soldier is part of an all-British unit of infantry. In reality, Indian troops were in separate regiments, as part of the Indian Army, which did fight on the Western front, but was pulled out in 1916. This is just a politically correct gimmick, in other words. And letters carried in envelopes do not seem to get wet and the ink doesn't run, even after they've been immersed in water. (When you see the film, you will understand what I mean.)
Having said all this, watch the film and you will enjoy it. It is excellent as a film. It looks highly realistic, even though it is not realistic at all -- not one bit. However, the depiction of no man's land is suitably macabre and memorable.
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Over-rated and Oddly Flat, Overly pc/woke WWI Quest Film with a Top-Notch British Cast.
- 1917 review by PV
OK so the technical side of creating this movie with very long takes and no editing was a masterful use of technology - watch the EXTRA documentaries on the DVD about this.
But and it is a big but, the film and story oddly fail to really engage - and the CGI is massively used (done in India I see from the credits). Maybe because it's a thin story - 2 soldiers on a mission into enemy territory to deliver a message to stop a deadly doomed attach by the British on the Germans in 1917 (not a spoiler - the blurb states this). So that is what it is. 2 hours of it.
A great cast including the wonderful young actor George Mackay almost unrecognisable for his role in Pride as a young shy teen. One to watch - an Oscar one day for him, I am sure. BUT this over-rated and over-praised movie is not the one.
A couple of niggles. I HATED the superhero movie soundtrack - it really spoilt so many scenes (and no I do not care what won a BAFTA).
Secondly, it is wrong to show Indian soldiers mixed in with young British men - it did not happen like that. There were Indian units, for sure, separated - by colour, yes, but mostly by religion due to deep ancient hatreds of Indians by Indians (Muslim, Hindu, Sikh). That is another film, so show that. Ditto for the black soldiers - there were separated West Indian units in WWI (not WWII in the UK - in the US< yes) as well as a TINY number of British-born blacks reflecting the tiny number of blacks in the UK in 1917 to join up. There are too many here and yes it does matter as it would matter if white faces were shown in a film about Zulus or native Indians, non? It seems to me people pick and choose colourblind casting as it suits them and their agenda. If it doesnlt they yell about 'authentic casting' - well this casting was not authentic and it spoilt the film as it is promoting a pc woke imagined and wished-for truth rather than a historical one. Shame.
3 stars. A bit meh and feels oddly lacking in emotion and flat. I cannot work out why.
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Looks great...but it has some issues
- 1917 review by LC
Visually this film is stunning, and worth a watch just on that level, with amazing sets, camerawork and cinematography. However, the flipside is that everything is so artfully composed that it ends up losing any sense of reality, with the constant smooth gliding of the camera giving the feel of either a computer game, or a sanitised, glossy Hollywood production, rather than more gritty war films of the past. The script also tends towards Hollywood sentimentality at times, whilst both the lead characters make baffling decisions when confronted with the enemy, on multiple occasions putting their lives in danger, rather than actually do the obvious thing of raising their guns and immediately shooting their opponents. Still - worth watching just for the eye candy. (3.5 out of 5)
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Excellent WW1 film
- 1917 review by AW
Superbly acted and filmed. An interesting and fast moving story with great sound and visual effects. Well worth watching and a film to remember and watch again.
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- 1917 review by AW
This film truly captures the brutality and horrors of the First World War. The cinematography is outstanding, with the camera work giving the viewer a real sense of the devastation and chaos of the battlefield.
The plot follows two young soldiers, Blake and Schofield, who are sent on a dangerous mission to deliver a message that could save the lives of 1,600 men. The journey is perilous and fraught with danger, as the two men must navigate enemy lines and treacherous terrain to reach their destination. One aspect of the film that truly impressed me was the way it portrayed the futility of war. The soldiers are depicted as pawns in a larger game, with their lives being sacrificed for the sake of political and strategic goals. This message is conveyed without being overly preachy or didactic, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the human cost of conflict.
The performances of the actors are also noteworthy. George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman deliver excellent performances as Blake and Schofield, respectively. The supporting cast, which includes Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Mark Strong, also give strong performances. Overall, I highly recommend 1917 to anyone who is interested in history, war movies, or just great filmmaking in general. It is a gripping and emotional journey that will leave you breathless and with a newfound appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who fought in the Great War.
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A fantastic “one-shot” film which keeps you gripped, with incredible work by Roger Deakins
- 1917 review by Timmy B
A film that was devised by Sam Mendes after listening to conversations with his grandfather about his days as a war messenger, 1917 concerns 2 young soldiers who are tasked with delivering a vital message to a commander who is about to lead a charge which is a trap set by the Germans.
The main draw of the film is that it is a “one-shot” movie with no visual cuts. So you literally spend the entire time following the soldiers and experiencing the danger and threat that they face, at the same time. It is is a technical marvel and as much as there should be the praise for Mendes & his writers, this film belongs to the staggering genius of Roger Deakins. The look, feel, pace and cinematography is his incredible work. I cannot think of another recently comparable example.
The young actors, who star alongside many Hollywood A-listers, absolutely hold their own and we really root for them the whole way through. It is also a reminder of just how many young men were conscripted and lost in this barbaric & horrific war, which sadly was repeated in many ways a few short years later.
Essential viewing.
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Gripping and entertaining
- 1917 review by HM
I was with the characters all the way as the journey unfolds. There are only so many plots in movie land and the 'journey' is one of them. This journey though isn't one of personal discovery along the way, but of survival. Technically impressive, the simple premise is to get through no mans land to the HQ of a Battalion about to charge into a trap. Keeps you right there as you share the action. Great entertainment.
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