It was clwar that the makers of Chips were going for the modern updating of a cheesy eighties TV programme so brilliantly done in 21 Jump Street, how badly they missed the mark. This racist, sexist and homophobic rubbish fails in the most important task, it is not remotely funny. It was very nice of Kristen Bell to help her husband out and appear in this film, a mistake she surely will not make again.
Imagine being served chicken pie at a restaurant. The pastry is dry, the chicken is quorn and not real meat, and it’s just bland and tasteless and it turns out to be one of the worst pies you’ve ever tasted. Basically sums up the film. Switched off after 30 mins.
Best forget the TV series. Some language not even thought of in those days. If younger, or had a couple of beers, is a lot funnier than would be if were the opposite.
Could have been a lot funnier if the main men were a bit more credible as police officers. They cannot all be so stupid, or discipline be so lax?
Is fairly funny actually on the right night with the right company................