The story of 'Everything Is Illuminated' revolves around the character of Jonathan, a young man who travels to the Ukraine to discover more information on the woman who saved his grandfathers life during world war two. On arrival Jonathan meets a quirky translator named Alex and with the help of his grandfather and his dog, they act as guides to Jonathon on his Ukrainian journey. Essentially the film is a road trip movie split into two halves, the first being quite light hearted and quirky and the second more solemn and personal. Overall, despite being a bit slow in parts 'Everything Is Illuminated' is pretty original and unique look at a young mans journey into his family history and well worth a look.
I don't normally go for 'quirky' or 'arty' films. One night I was bored and decided to give this film a go. I have to say that this is one of the best films I have ever seen.
It starts and you start to think 'Here we go- one of these types of films.' But within 5-10 minutes, you realise that the potential quirkiness of the film is due to one character's quirkiness- this is then beautifully addressed and balanced by the straight, 'normality' of the other characters.
The film deals with human issues- relationships, personal identity etc. It is amazing. I loved it. It is my most favorite film.
It also has many quotable lines.
It is a great blend of getting you laughing and also tugging your heart strings.
I loved this one. It had the kind of surreal-humoristic tone I love (which you find in lots of film I like from Drive to Big Fish to Black Cat/White Cat...) in spite of tackling a very sensitive subject… and doing it with great care. It seems the book is even more surreal and irreverant, I will have to dig it up.