A Fine French Drama
- I've Loved You So Long review by CP Customer
The French have always excelled in creating unique family dramas that explore the relationships and emotions of specific situations. In I’ve Loved You So Long, Kristin Scott Thomas plays a reserved woman, who moves in with her sister and her family whilst she comes to terms with her new environment. Without giving too much away, the two sisters slowly rebond and piece together the missing parts of their lives apart.
For all the praise thrown at Thomas, I must say Elsa Zylberstein puts in an equally strong performance here. They both try to reconcile the past and attempt to look forward as Kristen regains her confidence and social skills. The emotional scars are evident on both sisters and time is far from a healer but despite a few stumbles, progress is made.
It is very difficult to go further into this film without spoiling the key aspects. While you soon learn what seperated them for fifteen years, the motives behind the tragic event are not revealed until the final few moments. It is well worth seeing it through till the end and asking yourself what you would have done in that situation. I’ve Loved You So Long is an emotional journey, for me not as unique or brilliant as the hype suggests (Diving Bell & The Butterfly is so much better), yet nevertheless another example of why the French excel with films such as this.
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This is near perfection
- I've Loved You So Long review by CP Customer
I just don't get the comments about the poor subtitles - they were fine for me. This film made me cry - twice. Kristin Scott Thomas is fantastic, fully showing the pain and secret torment of the main character. Great supporting actors combine in a story where you find yourself totally drawn in. The final scenes will have you deeply moved. Watch this film - it is totally absorbing and has some real sit up and pay attention moments
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Give this a chance
- I've Loved You So Long review by CP Customer
I would urge those of you normally put off by subtitle to give this film a go. Having to read he words helps your involvement in my view. The performances are very strong and the film is shot beautifully. Uplifting!
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Poor Subtitles
- I've Loved You So Long review by CP Customer
This may very well be a very good film, but as my French is not that good, I couldn't tell. The English subtitles were more or less non-existant. After lots of French dialogue, a very brief, single sentence would appear, after some delay, in English. It was just really annoying, so I stopped watching. I have enoyed numerous foreign-made films in the past and this has never happened before. I hope this is not a trend to save money.
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Almost unbearable intensity
- I've Loved You So Long review by CW
This was an intense and at times very moving study of the issues - sometimes an almost unbearable intensity in an honest and very thoughtful approach. I would recommend this film. Clive Williams
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Screen prescence or what?
- I've Loved You So Long review by CB
Wow, has any camera been able to frame a dodgy picture of Kristin?
The film has depth and honesty. Teases out the story in a very satisfying manner. The female leads are excellent.
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- I've Loved You So Long review by TM
I wouldn't get this film if you're impatient. It kept me guessing till quite close to the end so that I had plenty of time to make up theories and try to understand the main character.
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Beautiful haunting portrayal of sisterhood, motherhood and loss
- I've Loved You So Long review by CP Customer
Superb female leads, beautiful and engaging sets and location, moving storyline, and utterly believable and engrossing direction. Loved this film. I would agree that the subtitles weren't perfect - they certainly were more than adequate at conveying the dialogue but even though my French is not amazing I know enough to discern that sometimes the nuances may have been lost in a rather brief, casual translation. But there was so much else to enjoy in this excellent production - the lighting and framing of shots, the pace, brilliant, brilliant Kristin Scott Thomas and her almost unbearable grief... Really worth a watch, however you feel about subtitles.
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Excellent film
- I've Loved You So Long review by MM
Agree with many of the comments already made, so won't repeat except to confirm very brilliant acting by main protagonists. A moving story, even if stretched credulity a little, brought tears to more than one eye here.
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A superb drama, emotional and painful. Highly recommended.
- I've Loved You So Long review by RP
This film won the 2009 BAFTA for 'Best Film Not in the English Language' - and deservedly so. The acting is excellent, the story emotional and painful as it tells the story of a woman attempting to reintegrate with her sister and family and their friends after release from prison.
Gradually it is revealed that not only has she been in prison but has served 15 years for murder, the murder of her 6 year old son, and in a final cathartic scene the reason is disclosed.
Kristin Scott Thomas is excellent in the lead role as is Elsa Zylberstein as her sister - they even look similar. I only wish that my French were better as I'm sure I missed some of the subtleties of the dialogue, too fast and colloquial for me. Certainly Kristin Scott Thomas' French is good - it should be as she's lived in France for some 35 years and married a Frenchman, but perhaps to a native speaker she may still show some trace of an accent - it's referred to in the film and also that the sisters have an English mother, who we briefly see in a nursing home. Part of the pain is that the parents disowned her after the murder trial, never mentioning her again.
The film brought me close to tears, particularly at the end where one line is "The worst prison is the death of one's child" - so very true.
My respects to Philippe Claudel who both wrote and directed the film - a great achievement.
Superb - 5/5 stars - highly recommended.
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