A very straightforward movie drama well acted and directed. The story revolves around Niloofar (Sahar Dowlatshahi) an independent woman with her own business who suddenly finds herself the victim of her rather horrible conniving family. Because she is 'unattached' in the family's eyes that is unmarried, she is designated as the one to look after her ailing mother and face exile away from Tehran and to forfeit her business. The reason for the mother's sickness is the pervasive smog that envelops Tehran; and this is a metaphor for the smothering gender and cultural oppression that Niloofar has to endure. Nevertheless Niloofar tries to struggle back against the family whilst also dealing with a personal relationship involving an old boyfriend. There are no fancy set pieces or arty camerawork in the movie; it is shot more or less in a soap-opera fashion with lots of face to face drama (and mobile phones). The direction and acting however rise above soap-opera. The few Iranian movies that I have seen have all been worthwhile and interesting, especially in providing glimpses of everyday life in Iran, for example; only men serving in women's clothes shops.
Well acted and sensitively portrayed story of a family's attitude to the unmarried sister/daughter and their expectations of her. Although she is obviously a capable business woman running her own team of workers this seems to be less important than marriage in their eyes. This is set in Iran but would certainly still apply to many other parts of the world. interesting glimpse in to life in Iran too.