This film is a 'classic road movie' which avoids many of the cliches of the genre. It's about a father and son travelling from France to Mecca - and their developing relationship along the way. The father is a stern and rigid moslem - while the son is 'westernised' and drinks and has a french girlfriend, etc. The film is very 'quiet' with little dialougue - but this often underlines the subtle changes in the relationship between father and son without being too heavy handed. The scenes at the end of Mecca are also remarkable. You will enjoy this film if you like intimate and subtle films -without being too challenging.
Another great French film, this time about muslim family going on Hadj. Doesn't sound too promising perhaps, but it was an extraordinary commentary of an elderly father and his teenage son going on a 3,000 mile car journey to Mecca. The son was less than interested and resentful of leaving his French life for so long. But in the end there was a conciliation between father and son, who grew up through various misadventures and events. Well worth renting. And a beautiful actor played the son!