A typically low-key masterpiece from Satyajit Ray. The film explores the changing role of women in Indian society post-independence, but also shows the lingering influence of British imperialist rule and the generational conflicts within families.
Ray is an expert at dealing with profound themes with a lightness of touch. 'Mahanagar' (which means "Big City") is like the best Shakespearean comedies: the characters are beautifully drawn and are put through serious challenges, but the final emphasis is on re-birth and positive ways forward.
We are slowly drawn into the lives of the family portrayed, and there is an effortless grace about the relaxed performances from the cast, with Madhabi Mukherjee on spellbinding form as the working wife.
As stated by another reviewer, this film is (sadly) still very relevant today.
Set in Calcutta in the 1950's this brilliant film is as relevant now as it was in '63 when it was made.