This miserable little Irish film, shot mainly in dingy interiors so dark you can barely see what’s happening, is a travesty of a Western. Right from the beginning, when it opens with a funeral and a sermon by a hellfire preacher in a dingy church, you know it’s going to be more concerned with setting a downbeat naturalistic tone than satisfying a paying audience. It will make any Western fan (indeed any film fan) want to put their foot through the screen. The fact that Irish writer/director Ivan Kavanagh has won awards on the film festival circuit adds to arthouse cinema’s increasingly bad name.
Same old same old western tale of the good little man having to take up the gun in order to defeat the baddies and defend hearth and home.
This version takes darkness to extremes, literally. You need good eyesight to understand what is going on at times.
John Cusack is always good value, though here he just needs to look pale and menacing by candlelight.
Emile Hirsch, so good in Into the Wild and Killer Joe, tries for the Brad Pitt Award for Terrible Irish Accent (and succeeds).
An extra star for the realistic settings and the Shane-like mud.
Is this film dark and brutal ..yes but so was the era in which it is set. If you enjoy a good western of a realistic nature ignore reviews ( even mine ) watch it and make up your own mind.