It very much depends on how you like your spooky tales. For me, I am old school. Hammer House on tv, settle back and enjoy the slow burn. Shudder Originals can vary in style and I guess be a bit hit or miss. In this we have a tale of murder. But by whom? When we discover the truth and the murderer is asked 'yes but why didn't you just....' the audience will all nod in agreement. But where is the horror in that?
The blind sister of a murder woman visits the house where her sister died. She is a bit of a psychic. But without the slow burn and the gradual reveal. We probably already have guessed what could have gone on. But then you have a wooden monster added to the mix. Well it is all very nice and simple and almost spooky. Enough to enjoy on a Saturday night like the old Hammer House tv series.