Rent Orphee (1950)

3.8 of 5 from 145 ratings
1h 31min
Rent Orphee (aka Orpheus / Orphée) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
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The magical retelling of the Orpheus myth turns the lyre-playing singer of Greek legend into a famous left bank poet in post-war Paris. Fallen our of favour and lost for poetic inspiration, Orphee (Jean Marais) becomes obsessed with a mysterious black-clad princess who first claims the life of a rival poet, and then Eurydice (Marie Déa), his wife. With its unforgettable imagery-the dissolving mirror throughout which characters pass into the next world, the leather-clad, death-dealing motorcyclists, and Cocteau's magical special effects, 'Orphee' is a work of haunting beauty that follows the poetic logic of a dream.
, , , , , , , , , , Raymond Faure, , , , , Philippe Bordier, Claude Borelli, Jean-Louis Brau, ,
André Paulvé
Narrated By:
Jean Cocteau
Jean Cocteau
Orpheus / Orphée
BFI Video
Classics, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
A Brief History of the Tradition of Quality, A History of Gay Cinema: According to Hollywood, Best Film Quests and Adventures, Cinema Paradiso's 2022 Centenary Club, Drama Films & TV, Films by Genre, Horror, Nosferatu Times Three, Roger Corman's Poe Cycle, A Brief History of Film..., Top 10 Best Last Films: World Cinema, Top Films
Release Date:
Run Time:
91 minutes
French Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
  • Full feature commentary by Roland Francois Lack
  • Original theatrical trailer
  • Digitally restored and remastered
Release Date:
Run Time:
96 minutes
French DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
B & W
BLU-RAY Regions:
  • Feature-length commentary by Roland-Frangois Lack
  • Jean Cocteau by Pierre Berge and Dominque Mamy (2008, 35 mins)
  • Memories of Filming by Jean-Pierre Mocky and Eric Le Roy (2008, 16 mins)
  • Jean Cocteau and His Tricks (2008, 14 mins)
  • The Queer Family Tree - Reflections on Jean Cocteau (2018, 15 mins)
  • La villa Santo Sospir (1952, 38 mins)
  • Theatrical Trailer
  • 2018 Re-Release Trailer
  • Stills Gallery

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Reviews (2) of Orphee

If you liked “A Matter of Life and Death” you’ll probably like Orphée. - Orphee review by WS

Spoiler Alert

Orphée is based on the Greek myth in which Orpheus, a musician who is the son of the god Apollo, goes into the Underworld in search of his recently deceased wife, Eurydice. Hades, the god of the Underworld, agrees to release her under one condition; Orpheus must not look back at his wife as she follows him back to the surface world. He complies at first, but makes the mistake of stealing a backward glance to check that Eurydice really is following him, and thereby loses her a second time. He is later killed and gets to be reunited with Eurydice.

In the film the story is transposed to the artistic scene of 1950s Paris, in which Orphée (Orpheus) is a poet. I did not find the love triangle element of the story wholly convincing, and it has a somewhat contrived happy ending. But it is an ingenious take on the myth, it cleverly integrates modern artefacts into the story (car radios and mirrors) and the special effects are charming although low-tech. The Underworld is portrayed as a deserted and decaying city in a state of perpetual night, in actuality an abandoned military academy. Jean Marais is very convincing in the lead role as the poet torn between his obsessive dedication to his work and his love for his wife.

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Tough but Brilliant - Orphee review by RW

Spoiler Alert

To get the most out of this film it would help to read the story of Orphyus & Eurydice first, unless of course you are already familiar with it. The cinema photography is amazing at times and it is a bit tough to keep up. But Cocteau has cast a magic spell for you delight.

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