A minor made-for-TV unfunny absurdist comedy set in a small coastal town in northern France. It was devised as a four-part TV serial and its bland TV aesthetic shows. It unaccountably gained some positive reviews from critics who see no difference between TV and film but if you watch the trailer first you’ll know not to look any further.
Nobody should turn to this in expectations of its being yet another crime drama. True, It opens with a helicopter descending upon a field in northern France. Nothing unusual in that, even when it proves to be lifting a dead cow from a field.
Except a body had been found in the creature.
A pair of hapless detectives set about solving the case, only to confuse matters as they do so (much careering about in a small car). What with further deaths - and the machinations of a group of children, including the eponymous one whose sour face is something to behold - this is continually unpredictable.
Accept this as a take upon provincial life which lends itself to surreal extrapolation, and here is high entertainment which also includes a view of how people find a place in the society around them.
It is all enough to make one want to see, in a while, the sequel which was made by Dumont four years later.
This came up in my suggested viewing list, and I decided to go with it. I feel an odd feeling of having felt entertained by something that is very un-PC. It's not really about the crimes, more about the very odd characters and their behaviors in different sets of circumstances. I will rent the sequel and hope for something similar to make me feel amused and unsettled.