Brilliant. Funny. Crazy. Daft. Probably many more as well.
This is so funny, I laughed out loud. A 30min play where nothing goes right, from scenery collapsing to scenery constructed to the wrong size. and lots more. I think there are 6 plays in all.
If you like wacky comedy then this is for you. I am now looking forward to seeing them live somewhere.
Charlie Russell has the most amazing sideways looks. Watch it and you'll know what I mean.
Highly recommended.
When I first started watching I assumed it was actually performed live as a play in front of TV cameras, and was amazed: the actors seem to have no problem falling several feet onto a wooden stage (even head first!) without injuring themselves. If you watch the 7 minute featurette you discover that there is a certain amount of TV editing going on, and they are really falling onto crash mats as you would expect, but that's all part of the brilliance of the show — it looks completely real. Every mistake is perfectly scripted and choreographed, and the actors do an incredible job of pretending to be bad actors, while the real acting is in how they respond to each disaster as if it's completely unexpected.