- Wanted review by CP Customer
I will start with the positive,really good special effects similar to the matrix could of been a very good film if not for the plot.Unfortunatly the film relys to much on the special effects which is o.k at first but then becomes a bit boring,i found that wasnt a particular character that your were drawn to and wanted to win or root for.I think the twist in the film could of been dealt with much better,there could of been loads more twists and turns but there wasnt and i was left feeling pretty disappointed.
5 out of 7 members found this review helpful.
WANTED more!
- Wanted review by CP Customer
This film made me almost as excited as when I first saw 'The Matrix'. By comparison not as prolific, though has some great action and unexpected twists. I like the 'Karate Kid' - like training montage that kicked ass as there was actual stabbing and violent injuries - and though James Macavoy makes an unlikely action hero he is still great to watch. Women will like his Roger Moore - like Scottish Humour and men will like...well. the fact that he gets hands on with the rather Dominatrix - like Angelia Jolie.
Loads of action, twists and turns slightly reminiscent of 'Fight Club' verses 'The Matrix' - I really don’t know how anyone can not like t
3 out of 5 members found this review helpful.
- Wanted review by CP Customer
Excellent movie. I was at the edge of my seat. My husband also enjoyed it. Movie to suit all tastes.
2 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
A fast paced rollercoaster of an action movie
- Wanted review by PT
Wanted is definitely not a slow burner. Right from the off you are gripped and can't take your eyes off the non stop action. The special effects and cinematogrophy are first class. If you enjoy action movies like the Matrix etc, this film is a must see.
Angelina jolie lights up the screen like a comet, with her brilliant role as the assasin Fox. As well as the action scenes, Wanted has a great script which has a great twist. The scenes with Jolie though are so memorable, especially the scene in the circular library, Jolies outstanding expressions show us why she is Hollywood gold.
2 out of 4 members found this review helpful.
Dumb & dumber...
- Wanted review by CP Customer
Comic book films are one thing. Incredulous plots with no logic are another. The fact that films like this that exist for one reason only- instant gratification- & then receive critical plaudits & make a fortune at the box office tells us sadly more about current society than even the politicians who the same society elects.
What saves this from a one star rating is some of the directorial skill on display. Why he took the job except for the potential huge cash cheque is another.
1 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Totally silly, graphically violent comic book film with great performances & amazing stunts
- Wanted review by Timmy B
Based on the comic book by Mark Millar, Wanted is about a team of people who have superhuman abilities, but also the ability to be able to curve bullets around objects, which is a novel & interesting power to have. Into this, they recruit Wesley Gibson (McAvoy,) whose father was killed by a super-assassin who has gone rouge. Wesley is a man whose life is falling apart, but who with the training is able to harness his powers & finally break out from his mundane life.
This film is great. The cast is amazing, the stunts fantastic & also welcomingly there is an unbelievably lightness of touch, which works so well in conjunction with the silliness of the material. As much as all of the cast were great, it is Angelina Jolie who steals every scene she is in, quite rightfully getting all the headlines.
This film is also no-holds barred, both in terms of it's story and also the graphic violence, used to both horrible and amusing effect.
Everything zips along at a fantastic pace, nothing is taken too seriously and it is a joy to be taken on this journey, expertly directed by Timur Bekmambetov. The only sad thing is that as much as it is crying out for a sequel, that has been stuck in development hell for years, so is unlikely to see the light of day.
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Running out of bullets
- Wanted review by CP Customer
Timur Bekmambetov's career to date has involved high octane adventures with plenty of special effects and explosions. For his Hollywood arrival, Wanted does not change that formula but its becoming a little tiresome. You cannot fault the slick style on show, nothing has been spared when it comes to the effects, weaponry and big bangs. It is ideal action entertainment for those that wish to suspend disbelief or catch a film that requires little effort. The thread-bare plot is extremely lightweight, with McAvoy failing to be the action hero. Really, he should have stuck it out in the office. The acting talents of Freeman and Jolie are cast aside, Bekmambetov is clearly all about style and no substance. By Hollywood standards this isn't even average.
0 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
- Wanted review by CM
What was Morgan Freeman doing in a film like this? We managed to stick with it for appro. 40 minutes, but it was just endless, pointless chasing involving shooting - just ss over the top.
0 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Mindless, violent tripe
- Wanted review by RP
Morgan Freeman? Angelina Jolie? Tell me you did it for the money - it certainly wasn't to enhance your acting reputation. This is mindless, violent tripe which attempts to avoid boring the audience with special effects, blood spatter and comic book silliness, combining the worst bits of 'Bulletproof Monk' with 'The Matrix'. Loud and silly beyond words. And if Miss Jolie thinks that having multiple tattoos is attractive, let me tell her - it isn't. And poor James McAvoy - you won awards for your performance in 'Atonement' - but not in this one, I'm afraid.
2/5 stars - but only because (unfortunately) I have seen even worse :(
0 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Action for its own sake
- Wanted review by JD
The action is everything in this production. The plot is thin and unbelievable. The acting is poor (Jolie has not got to where she is today on acting skills) but the action sequences, particularly the opening car chase scene, are fairly good if not totally original.
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