This was the most boring film I can remember seeing. There was almost no dialogue, and what there was mumbled and semi-incomprehensible. Sound and visual quality was poor. Little happened throughout. Difficult to understand why anyone would wast their time and (presumably somebody else's) money making such a film. Too little there to review further.
There were no subtitles with this movie. The sound was very indistinct so, unfortunately, had to return it un-viewed. One star or I shouldn’t be able to add this information.
A brave attempt to create a collage-like, impressionistic study of three boys growing up with slightly older children as parents.
It works sporadically but leaves the viewer only is rather like watching clippings from the editorial room floor, with little sense of overall narrative. Some scenes engage, others feel like 'filler'.
Jonah only emerges as the central character quite late on. His discovery of gay preference is sensitively portrayed, but there is a 'random' quality to the whole thing that makes for mixed feelings when looking back at the movie.