This is a fun filled medieval romp that delivers like a rock music video. It's really funny and original and it's clear everyone was having a great time making it. It's a film that is difficult to classify because on the surface it's an historical love story with great action, it's a hilarious comedy and it has a modern soundtrack that is often diegetic forming part of the film's world. The use of Queen's, We Are The Champions for example is sung by the characters. The use of modern music simulates the sheer power that music actually had in the times of the film's setting. Overall this is a romantic adventure comedy where a humble commoner played by Heath Ledger pretends to be knight so he can compete in jousts and by winning ensure he his two comrades can eat. They are assisted by a gambling addicted Geoffrey Chaucer (Paul Bettany) who forges all the necessary papers. Unfortunately an enemy determined to expose him comes on the scene played with relish and dark malignancy by Rufus Sewell. Both he and the hero covet a beautiful maiden and fight for her hand. It's a classic Robin Hood/Sheriff Of Nottingham type scenario, all heroism, witty jokes, slapstick and brilliant slow motion jousts. Mark Addy and James Purefoy support. Overall it is just a fantastically entertaining film.
The series may have got the idea from Heath Ledger film? Bettany has great fun. Bit of fun, and never really dates, as is a Knight's tale.......
I possibly didn't give this film a chance but I attempted to watch this with my husband and after less than ten minutes had to switch it off. The sound quality was poor and it was difficult to hear what the actors were saying as the speech was slurred. The "music" did not fit the film and was jarring but perhaps this was intentional. I had expected much better given the actors but basically we found it unwatchable. Just a silly romp.