Rent Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
2.7 of 5 from 237 ratings
1h 59min
What a disappointing sequel after the visual flair of the original. Sadly it’s one long bore, with a plot reduced to incorporating a warmist climate message to assuage wokist sensibilities. The cgi undersea shenanigans are no more than a whirl of pixels, having neither drama nor excitement. The only character with any arc or interest is baddie-turned-goodie Patrick Wilson, but with a script like this the actors stand no chance of adding any interest to affairs.
Just really bad.
Watched the flash the day before and that was rubbish - but at least it was watchable rubbish. This is bad even in a store full of bad.
And i know most 'super heros' dop this, but the way Aquaman just slaughters people without a care is a bit concerning.