Daniel (UK, ..."/>
This one is worth a watch JUST for the film about the nurses who helped the aids victims back in the 1980s.
3 of the films stood out for me, the Animated Half a Life, The Colour of his Hair, based on a film script that was never made by a family member of Lord Montagu of Burley and AIDS: Doctors and Nurses Tell their Stories. Of the remainder some were more watchable than others, but compared to some of the recent issues in the series this was a far better collection and did not have me wondering why I had chosen the disc to watch!
I have reviewed all films against the summary given for each short film on this website.
1 out of 5. Story didn’t really go anywhere after it had set its premise.
3 out of 5. The varying and differing feelings between the two characters (ex’s) and the somewhat tetchiness and nervousness of the situation came across and was acted out well. Not a bad short film that was believable and left you feeling sorry for the supportive ex.
Half a Life:-
4 out of 5. The narration and animation gave a different and intriguing concept to this short gay story and delivered the key issues that the film was trying to get across well. Issues such as cultural differences in certain countries (Israel in this case), acceptance and understanding (or lack of in this case) and good humanity being punished because of those cultural differences, backward views and a lack of understanding and acceptance. An upsetting film that gives us a stark reminder that homophobia and discrimination is still rife around the world.
Undress Me:-
4 out of 5. An interesting and very thought provoking character assessment of two people. In giving an example of one of many possible ways of approaching, dealing with and understanding the situation, having discovered that someone you’re attracted to is transgender. How would you react? I liked this.
The Colour of His Hair:-
3 out of 5. The mix of documentary and drama worked relatively well to tell this true story of an important and key period when homosexuality was finally and correctly legalised. However, in my opinion a short film isn’t the best carrier or way to deliver a subject that needs more time and depth given to it. The acting was okay, the set design and clothing brought the era to life and the real life elements (footage, clippings, etc) brought it all together.
Silly Girl:-
1 out of 5. Very short, hollow acting and all a bit pointless to be honest.
An Evening:-
4 out of 5. Those first experience, those first thoughts and the questions in your own head about what happened and how you felt and feel. This film delivers that moment in a beautiful and poetic way with solid acting performances, that bring the youthful emotions alive and great cinematography.
5 out of 5. A heart wrenching but also heart warming documentary about the doctors and nurses who cared for and showed great humanity towards people who had a disease that was a new epidemic and that still wasn’t fully understood at the time. Their compassion for those who had been cast aside, makes this short film a very rewarding watch.
It’s Consuming Me:-
3 out of 5. A bizarre reliving of memories of a past relationship. Certainly different but I’m sure it’s something we’ve all done. Very short but cleverly done.
Mother Knows Best:-
3 out of 5. That mother and son conversation with all the questions that I could certainly relate to in some cases when I came out and my mum met my first partner. Well acted in a tense car ride scene.