The intriguing sci-fi premise is the least ridiculous thing about this film. A CIA agent’s memory is transferred into the brain of a criminal (Kevin Costner). It has to be him because he’s a psycho thug who ‘feels nothing’ (yeah, right). Our Kev conveys the psycho thugness by looking grizzled and grunting a lot.
The first ten minutes are the best, with agent Ryan Reynolds running around London evading baddies. Shame the baddies kill him (no spoiler, it’s in the trailer). We then spend the rest of the movie with Costner having flashbacks of Reynold’s memory and acting badass. It’s risible stuff, with lots of swearing employed to convey emotion.
Costner’s the main protagonist and his character is impossible to warm too, even when (who’d have guessed?) he starts to develop a heart. It’s a fatal flaw, but he’s not the biggest joke in the film. Gary Oldman is a scriptwriter’s fantasy of a CIA chief, channelling the spirit of his cop in Leon. The James Bond-type plot has a computer nerd stealing missile launch codes, but the script never takes it seriously. Michael Pitt endures a career low in the thankless part of the nerd.
Once Ryan is gone (lucky him) the plot and acting soon become too preposterous for any response but laughter and eventual boredom.